Jindabyne East

Our clients purchased a beautiful property in East Jindabyne, NSW with sweeping views looking over Lake Jindabyne and to the Snowy Main Range beyond. They wanted to create a new home for their family that would complement their passion of living, playing and working in the mountains. The design was conceived as a single level stretching across the site with all living and bedroom spaces taking in the vast landscape. Deep eaves and blade walls delineate each room and create a consistent rythym along the facade, sheltering from the western sunlight in summer but allowing it in during the cold winters. A singular dark metal cladding wraps the exterior of the building, providing durable and low-maintainance protection from the elements and to not compete with the landscape. The house is completely off-grid, using a solar array for power, rainwater tanks, hydronic slab heating and worm farm for waste.

Project Stage: Completed


Snowy Mountains House


The Folly